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Help Support Life!

911Babies is a privately funded organization. Your donations are greatly appreciated as we continue to build and maintain this site and our continued pro-life initiatives. We can accept donations by credit card or Paypal. Enter the amount you would like to donate and click the "donate" button below and you will be taken to a secure area to make your donation. We thank you in advance and pray God's richest blessings upon you.


helping the unborn


911Babies offers a way for you to wear your pro-life stand and support a cause in multiple ways. To help support this ministry and the help we are offering to save little lives we are launching a line of T-shirts that will be a billboard of pro-life everywhere you go.

Forbidden Fruit T-Shirt

This T-Shirt sends the message that abortion is like partaking of the forbidden fruit. The front depicts a serpent around an apple with text listing the lies of abortion: "It'ssss Not Life", "It'sssss Not Human", "It'sssss Just a Fetus". The back quotes the 911Babies theme scripture, Romans 9:11.

Just $10 (plus $5 s&h)

Size:     QTY


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