support for expectant mothers
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Life Village

"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field." ~ Matthew 13:44

Life Village will consist of houses located all over the country and through out the world as God leads. The houses are called LifeHouses and the name comes from God with confirmation from many years ago when we did youth ministry.

From 2007

LifeHouse band t-shirt

The vision for the LifeHouse comes from a t-shirt my wife bought me at a secondhand store. LifeHouse is a band with strong Christian roots and with church based support. I had already been dealing with and praying over the word “LifeHouse” a word the Lord gave me during prayer. Then my wife walks in and hands me a LifeHouse concert t-shirt. Feeling the hope in the presence of the Holy Spirit, I held it up and saw listed on the back was the word LifeHouse and then a listing of many US cities. Wow Lord, awesome! There should be a “LifeHouse” in every city, community, town and state. A place to help these mothers and their children who are homeless for choosing life over abortion. Even a listing of many LifeHouses in the same area, a pro-Life show of force to minister to not only ones physical needs but to their spiritual needs. Let’s make it a network of LifeHouses and together we can and will maximize the high calling of God, He has given us. Reaching out to those who are in need and embracing the truth that the spiritual needs of people are our priority in Christ Jesus, a house that offers "shelter for today and hope for tomorrow" in Jesus' name. A network of Christian parenting discipleship homes!

We are currently working on LifeHouse NC here in beautiful Woodleaf NC, and we have offers in many other states to come and do the same. Lord You lead and we will follow, saving lives from abortion and sharing Jesus with all whom we contact. Please follow us on social media and give to this legacy of hope and love in Jesus' name!

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Life Village